Carlos Zamora
Catholic Evangelist & Hip-Hop Artist

Carlos Zamora
Catholic Evangelist & Hip-Hop Artist
Carlos Zamora
Catholic Evangelist & Hip-Hop Artist
Carlos Zamora
Catholic Evangelist & Hip-Hop Artist
World Youth Day Panama City, Panama
World Youth Day Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Concierto Urbano Catolico - Mexico City, Mexico
National Catholic Youth Conference - Indianapolis, Indiana
Catholic Hip-Hop & Tacos Tour
SXSW Austin, Texas
World Day of Families Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Catholic Underground Manhattan NYC, New York
On Fire NorCal, Vallejo, California
Young Catholic Professionals Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas
Saintly Saturday - Special Youth Services Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Juvenile Sunday Service - Gainesville State School, North Texas
Bread of Life Youth Conference - Omaha, Nebraska
Idaho Catholic Youth Day - Boise, Idaho
Spokane Catholic Youth Day - Spokane, Washington
Diocesan Youth Day - Roswell, New Mexico
Sower Ministry - Los Angeles, California
Journey Home with Marcus Grodi - EWTN
Life On The Rock - EWTN
Jennifer Fulwiler Show - Sirius XM
Conversation with Cardinal Dolan - Sirius XM
Beats - Shalom World TV
Jesus my Savior - Shalom World TV
Rome Reports
Father Masseo Gonzales, OFM Conv. -
El Padrecito Ministries
In my youth work as a Catholic Priest and Franciscan for the past twenty-five years, I have presented and performed throughout the United States and at two World Youth Days. If there was any one person I would want to travel and evangelize with - which has often been the case - it would be with Carlos “C2six” Zamora. He brings a powerful conversion story with an urban flare, intelligence, humor, and a passion for the Sacraments - in particular the Blessed Sacrament - to all his presentations. It’s an honor to recommend him.
Dr. Ansel Augustine
I have known C2six for over a decade. His commitment to his faith, and his passion to evangelize those on the peripheries, is why I am honored to present with him whenever I can. He is a treasure within our faith tradition and I would recommend him for any event that is looking for an energetic and devout presenter.
Daniella Rosas - The Sower - Los Angeles
Carlos has been to The Sower Los Angeles Young Adult group as a speaker and performer. He has collaborated with us in numerous events as a speaker and performer, including our annual Heaven Bound Concert. Carlos is always willing to help the Catholic Young Adult movements in Los Angeles and we are blessed to count on his support.
Diacono Gregorio elizalde - Director del Ministerio Hispano
Arquidiocesis de Omaha
He tenido la bendición de trabajar con C2SIX por lo cual lo recomiendo ampliamente, un hombre de Dios con un carisma especial para acercar los jóvenes al corazón de Jesús, así como un fiel soldado de la Iglesia Católica.
Matt Swaim - the coming home network
Carlos is the real deal, and he has an amazing story to share. I've been privileged to work with him on projects where he's given his testimony, and I can't recommend him highly enough as a man of God and an articulate and engaging presenter on all things Catholic, especially when there's a beat in the background.
Fr. Brian Mullady, OP, STD
Carlos is a proven Catholic apologist and musician. He would be an ideal source for opening people up to a renewed appreciation of Roman Catholicism. He is highly talented and very well versed in his faith. He would be a powerful speaker to those with little theological training and has a knack for making complex doctrines accessible to ordinary people. He is also fluent in Spanish and could attract this new and large traditionally Catholic audience back to their faith.